Pair of bowls IPSE DIXIT

Regular price€92
Description and Details

The IPSE DIXIT collection is a game of references between the past and the present.
Latin, which is a bit like the mother of Western languages, is incomprehensible to many of us today and yet it sounds familiar to us, because it has served for hundreds of years to educate, pray, transmit knowledge and classify species.
The ceramics used for this service are handmade in Northern Italy. The design of the plates is minimal, slightly conical, simple yet refined and impactful thanks to the size and inclination of the plate wing.

PiattoUnico creates tableware collections entirely made in Italy, in limited series.
The dishes, which can be washed in the dishwasher, are a little larger than normal, as was once the custom at important tables.
For each Latin motto, a card will be included in the package that tells the origin of the saying: a rediscovery and a game to play at the table!

In this SET: Mens sana in corpore sano man + woman

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Description and Details

The IPSE DIXIT collection is a game of references between the past and the present.
Latin, which is a bit like the mother of Western languages, is incomprehensible to many of us today and yet it sounds familiar to us, because it has served for hundreds of years to educate, pray, transmit knowledge and classify species.
The ceramics used for this service are handmade in Northern Italy. The design of the plates is minimal, slightly conical, simple yet refined and impactful thanks to the size and inclination of the plate wing.

PiattoUnico creates tableware collections entirely made in Italy, in limited series.
The dishes, which can be washed in the dishwasher, are a little larger than normal, as was once the custom at important tables.
For each Latin motto, a card will be included in the package that tells the origin of the saying: a rediscovery and a game to play at the table!

In this SET: Mens sana in corpore sano man + woman


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