Mealkit Carlo Cracco - L'Oro di Milano - DELUXY
Mealkit Carlo Cracco - L'Oro di Milano - DELUXY
Mealkit Carlo Cracco - L'Oro di Milano - DELUXY

Box Carlo Cracco - The Gold of Milan

Regular price€50
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Description and Details
  • Starry Dinner to Prepare at home for 3 people
  • Box with ingredients and recipe for preparing this magnificent reinterpretation of Risotto alla Milanese
  • Chosen to amaze by the Deluxy Experts
Description and Details
  • Starry Dinner to Prepare at home for 3 people
  • Box with ingredients and recipe for preparing this magnificent reinterpretation of Risotto alla Milanese
  • Chosen to amaze by the Deluxy Experts

Carlo Cracco signs this magnificent reinterpretation of Risotto alla Milanese. A recipe that dates back to 1574 at the table of the glassmaker Valerio di Fiandra, who used to use saffron to give a special color to the windows of the Milan Cathedral. The Chef has selected the most precious raw materials, capable of guiding you on a unique and unforgettable sensory journey.

How does it work

Inside the Box, the birthday boy will find all the information to prepare everything needed for this fantastic recipe.


Saffron pistils Saffron, a superior product of the highest quality grown in the heart of the Langhe, is enhanced by the sweet notes of the precious Ecuadorian cocoa. A unique preparation of meat broth, handcrafted following a secret recipe from the early 1900s, delicately envelops all the flavors of the dish. With each sip you will perceive the boost of apple cider vinegar and brunoise shallots, the two ingredients that harmoniously complete this masterpiece.

San Massimo Reserve Rice (250g), EVO Oil (3X12 ml.), Clarified Butter (60 gr.), Shallot Brunoise (1,5 gr.), Saffron in Pistils (0,2 gr.), Grated Cheese (30 gr.), Cocoa Gruè from Ecuador (4 gr.), Meat Broth (40gr.), Apple Vinegar (10 ml.) Fine Italian Salt (2 sachets 2x1 gr.)

This recipe is made from gluten-free ingredients, however we cannot guarantee the product against any external contamination.

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