Cocktail with Exclusive Bottle

Regular price€79
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Description and Details
  • Exclusive IconaSpirit Bottle for Cocktails
  • Perfect with our Cocktail Set
  • Chosen to amaze by the Deluxy Experts
Description and Details
  • Exclusive IconaSpirit Bottle for Cocktails
  • Perfect with our Cocktail Set
  • Chosen to amaze by the Deluxy Experts

The exclusive IconaSpirit Cocktail with Bottle is available:

ESTASI is a botanical Distilled Gin at 42°vol. The botanicals used are: Laraha orange peel, Chamomile flower, Angelica, Ginger and Timor pepper berries. A fresh, Mediterranean, galvanizing and spicy Gin.

SloeGin is a Distilled Gin at 30 vol with Sloe infusion that gives sweetness and acidity perfect for mixing with Tonic or as a base for an unusual Negroni. Also perfect smooth on the rocks.

Vodka Class, 42°vol, is produced by a double distillation of grain alcohol with spring water. Clear colour, perfect crunchiness and roundness.

Amaro Dom has 25 vol and is composed of the infusion of medicinal and bittering herbs and roots: Star Anise, Absinthe, Sweet and Bitter Orange, Cinnamon, Cinchona, Turmeric, Myrrh, Tobacco, Incense, Galangal, Gentian, Rhubarb, Savory . The color of the product comes from the infusion and without coloring (not even with Caramel). The result was an Amaro with a strong juxtaposition of sweet/bitter sensations and warm/cold tones.

Give with Deluxe

Ideal for:

  • birthdays
  • Special surprises

This arrangement is delivered white glove with a personalized hand written card and gift wrap.

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Make every moment unique

Our valets deliver each gift in a jacket, tie and white gloves.

To guarantee maximum elegance and professionalism.

Make every occasion special and unforgettable thanks to Deluxy.

Frequent questions

Delivery takes place every day in Milan, Rome and Florence, whenever you want from 7 am to 10 pm.

Choose your gift from the selected proposals or contact one of our experts to create a tailor-made experience.

Deliver your gift in white gloves.

A Valet team by car or scooter is always at your disposal to deliver your gift, guaranteeing elegance and professionalism.

Each of our gifts includes a package and an exclusive card on which you can write a message. If you need an idea on what to say to make your surprise magical, contact one of our experts.

We choose only the best artists in each city to package our gifts to guarantee the highest quality for each of our customers.

If you want to create a personalized surprise or need advice, contact one of our experts available all day to satisfy your every wish.


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