- Elegant Bouquet in Pastel Tones
- Fresh flowers, card and gift box
- Perfect for refined occasions
The Elegance Bouquet represents purity and refinement in every detail.
Peonies symbolize prosperity and good fortune, white and pink roses represent love and admiration, while ranunculus add a touch of charm and delicacy. This bouquet expresses a message of timeless elegance and sincere feelings, ideal for celebrating important and affectionate moments.
The choice of the Bouquet Eleganza is inspired by the delicacy and harmony of pastel tones. The combination of peonies, roses and ranunculus in shades of white and pink evokes a sense of sophisticated beauty and grace. Each flower is carefully selected to create a visual effect that enchants and relaxes, perfect for elegant environments and refined ceremonies.
Perfect for occasions such as:
- Weddings
- Anniversaries
- Birthdays
- Thanks
This composition comes with a personalized handwritten card and wrapping paper.