Daniele Fortuna artist born in Milan in 1981, since early adolescence thanks to his passion for art he frequents artist studios and art galleries among the most important in the city. He completes his studies at the IED (European Institute of Design) in Milan, cultivating an interest in design in parallel with art.
From his parents' collection of paintings, Daniele Fortuna begins to admire the materials they were made of and their proportions. He begins to imagine the story behind those paintings and what had led the artist to create them. Thus an attraction for those objects, for their shapes and their colors is born: the artist is attracted by the timelessness of De Chirico , from the fiery red of Stone and from the gestures of Fountain .
Daniele Fortuna's sculptures are made of wood painted with acrylic paint, thus combining the plastic aspect, the material of wood with color, a key element of the artist's aesthetics. This is where the term comes from “colormination” , a neologism to indicate the chromatic contamination of classical busts that occurs in his art. The word derives from “domination”, a strong term, but combined with the color that renews its meaning.
In the artist's own words:
“Wood was a material that I already felt was mine. I find it a 'warm' material because, when you touch it, you feel that it has that kind of porosity even if I paint it. And this being 'warm' represents me because I am a very convivial person, a companion. Wood, then, is alive also because it expands and contracts, it really has its own life.”
But even if wood is his favorite material, Daniele Fortuna has also experimented with plexiglass, mirrors and concrete, combining art with his training as a designer and the study of materials.