Once upon a time there was a passionate couple named Matteo and Giulia. Their love story had been intense, but recently, due to some misunderstandings and misunderstandings, they had gone through a difficult period.
Here Matteo makes things more difficult despite himself; he has to leave for work and won't be able to be there for Giulia's birthday. The atmosphere becomes more chilled, with no arguments, just silence.

One day, Matteo woke up with the determination to do something special for Valentine's Day, which is about 20 days after Giulia's birthday; it had to be very special both to make up for the absence at the birthday and to warm the chill that had settled on their life as a couple.
It was about a year ago when Matteo discovered and experimented with Deluxy starting from our personalized consultancy service. He made an appointment with one of our Experts to help him choose and organize the surprise suited to his feelings and what he wanted to convey to Giulia's heart. Our expert listened to Matteo's story of his 5-year relationship with Giulia, as if enchanted by the great and profound love that Matteo was expressing. Finally, Matteo said that Valentine's Day was a special date for them in particular, because the first outing with Giulia had been on Valentine's Day. Faced with this statement, the Deluxy Consultant couldn't help himself and asked Matteo if he and Giulia had ever talked about marriage. Matteo, taken aback, realized that they had never talked about marriage, but that he had no doubts that Giulia was the woman of his life. After a few seconds of silence Matteo began by saying: "Let's do it!" followed by an emotional laugh that also dragged that of the interlocutor, who had evidently hit the right button. Our Expert explained to Matteo the basic idea for the surprise to prepare for Giulia and together they then defined all the details.
On Valentine's Day a Valet Deluxy showed up at Giulia's house with an elegant black car; he gave her a note written by a calligrapher and sealed with wax that said: "This car will take you to me...Amor vincit Omnia...Matteo"

Giulia's destination was a private location in the center of the city. Once she entered the door of the building she saw a path outlined by candles and petals and a few meters away Matteo was kneeling in the center of a large room, elegantly set up for a dinner for two. To Matteo's left was a small round table set with a pyramid of 100 macarons, in his right hand a bouquet of 100 beautiful red roses and in his left an open box with a diamond ring that sparkled beautifully.
Giulia approached slowly and once in front of Matteo, the latter simply said to her: "Marry me". Giulia's answer was simply: "Yes", a convinced and super excited yes followed by pure, joyful, sincere, loving tears.

Matteo and Giulia sanctioned their union in September 2023!
We are super happy to have contributed to building something so unique, sincere and important, completing another perfect mission of pure love.
With the hope of experiencing the luxury of true love for everyone